If you’ve ever had a bad day, you know it can be tough. If you’ve ever had a tough year, you know it’s even harder.
But imagine having a hard decade? Specifically, your 70s.
That’s why I’m here – to help ensure that doesn’t happen to you.
Sure, we all have our fair share of bad habits.
But if you’re hoping to make your 70s the best years of your life, there are certain behaviors you’re going to have to say goodbye to.
Stick with me and I’ll tell you exactly what they are.
1) Dismissing the importance of physical activity
Now, I get it.
Exercise might not be everyone’s cup of tea, and it can get particularly hard as you age. I mean, your knees creak, your back aches and it just feels like a lot of work.
But here’s the thing.
If you want your 70s to be the best years of your life, you have to keep moving.
Remember how you’ve heard people say “use it or lose it”? Well, they weren’t kidding.
Regular physical activity – be it brisk walking in the park, water aerobics, or even dancing to your favorite tunes – is crucial in maintaining both your physical and mental health.
Whether you were a fitness enthusiast in your prime or not, it’s time to make friends with exercise. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you for it.
2) Holding on to grudges
Boy, have I got a story for you.
A few years back, I had a falling out with an old friend. We had shared years of memories, laughter, and support, but a misunderstanding blew it all to smithereens.
I was upset. I was hurt. And so, I held a grudge.
Fast forward to my 70s, and guess what? That grudge was still there, stubborn and unflinching.
But what was also there was the realization of how much energy I was wasting on something so unproductive.
I decided to let it go. It wasn’t easy, but once I did it, the relief washed over me like a wave.
If you want your 70s to be the best years of your life, let go of the grudges you’ve been holding onto. They’re just weights pulling you down.
It’s time to cut them loose and make room for positivity and peace in your life. Trust me on this one – it’s worth it.
3) Ignoring your diet
You are what you eat. A cliché, yes, but it’s a cliché for a reason.
When you hit your 70s, your metabolism isn’t as spry as it used to be.
You can’t just eat anything and everything and expect to feel great. What you put into your body becomes even more important.
Did you know that certain foods can impact your mood?
Studies have shown that a diet high in processed foods can lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression.
If you want your 70s to be the best years of your life, pay attention to what’s on your plate. Incorporate more fruit, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains into your meals.
Remember, food is fuel. Feed your body with the good stuff and it’ll thank you in return.
4) Neglecting your social life
We’re social creatures by nature. We thrive on interaction, connection, and companionship.
Yet, as we get older, it’s easy to let our social lives fall by the wayside.
Friends move away, loved ones pass on, and it can feel like too much effort to try and maintain connections.
But isolation isn’t good for us, not one bit.
If you want your 70s to be the best years of your life, keep your social life active.
Join clubs, engage in community activities, maintain relationships with loved ones.
Stay connected. It’s good for your soul and even better for your health.
5) Avoiding new experiences
This one’s close to my heart.
When I hit my 70th, I had the sudden realization – I was stuck in a rut.
My days were mostly the same, following the same routine, and while it was comfortable, it was also somewhat…dull.
I decided to change things up. I started trying out new things – from joining a pottery class to learning how to play the ukulele.
And let me tell you, it has made all the difference!
If you want your 70s to be the best years of your life, don’t shy away from new experiences. It’s never too late to learn something new or pick up a hobby.
In fact, it’s these novel experiences that keep life interesting and stimulating.
Go ahead, try something new. You might surprise yourself!
6) Over-planning your days
We all love a good plan. It gives us structure, a sense of control, and helps us make the most of our time.
But here’s the twist.
As you step into your 70s, it’s important to leave some room for spontaneity.
Yes, you heard that right. Those unplanned, unexpected moments can often bring the most joy and excitement.
Filling up every minute of your day with activities and tasks can lead to stress and burnout.
Retirement isn’t just about being busy; it’s about enjoying your time.
If you want your 70s to be the best years of your life, loosen up on the planning a bit.
Let life surprise you sometimes. After all, isn’t that what makes it truly exciting?
7) Neglecting mental health
Physical health often takes center stage, especially as we age. But let’s not forget about mental health. It’s equally important, if not more.
Depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline are real issues that can affect us in our 70s. But they don’t have to be inevitable.
Practicing mindfulness, staying cognitively active, and seeking professional help when needed are all crucial steps in maintaining mental health.
If you want your 70s to be the best years of your life, make sure you’re taking care of your mental wellbeing too. It’s not just about living longer; it’s about living better.
8) Forgetting to live in the moment
This is it, the big one.
If you want to make your 70s the best years of your life, remember to live in the moment.
It’s easy to get caught up in the past or worry about the future.
But life is happening right now, in this moment.
Take a breath, look around, appreciate the beauty of now. Enjoy every moment, because these moments are what make up your life.
Embracing your 70s
If you’ve made it this far, I hope you’ve realized that your 70s can be a time of growth, learning, and immense joy.
And it doesn’t have to be a time of decline and regret. It’s all about the choices we make – the behaviors we hold on to and the ones we decide to let go of.
The American author Mark Twain once said, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
If we embrace our age and work towards making positive changes, we can make our 70s – or any decade for that matter – the best years of our lives.
Take a moment to reflect on your own behaviors. What can you let go of to make your 70s truly golden?
Remember, it’s not just about growing old. It’s about growing old well.