10 things confident people always do but never talk about

Confident people have a particular set of habits and traits. 

Confident people are not arrogant, but they have a particular air about them. Often people want to emulate the confidence they see in others. 

So what are these traits? In this article, I’ll tell you about 10 they almost always have!

1) They are decisive

A confident person is likely to decide on something and set their mind to it. 

When a confident person decides they want to do something, nothing stands between them and their goal. 

They have confidence in their decision-making and they don’t second-guess whether they are making the right decision. 

Simply put, when a confident person makes a decision, that’s that. 

You can bet a confident person will see through the thing they say they want to pursue. 

If you want to seem more confident, don’t ask everyone whether you’ve done the right thing.

Instead, trust that you made your best decision in the moment. 

2) They don’t need others approval 

A confident person doesn’t feel the need to go around and collect everyone else’s opinions.

They don’t need to get approval before they do something. 

Rather, a confident person has the decisiveness and trust in themselves that means they don’t need approval from others.

But feeling like you don’t need other people’s approval is a learned skill… 

You see, our childhood experiences may influence our needs for validation. But just as behaviors are learned, they can be unlearned! 

3) They aren’t afraid to seek help 

Confident people don’t have an issue around asking other people for help when they need it. 

Some people are afraid to ask for help because they think it makes them seem weak or incapable…

Yet confident people know and accept that they’re not experts at everything, and that they can learn more from others.

In other words, confident people have no issue with seeking advice, help, and gaining insights from other people who know more about something than they know.

Confident people see opportunities all the time.

4) They stick things out 

Even when things get tough, confident people always remind themselves that they are good at what they do, that they are talented, and that they can make their dreams a reality

You won’t find a confident person throwing in the towel and giving up because they don’t think they can do something… 

Oh no, a confident person will be able to persevere even when things get tough – because they have a belief in their ability.

But remember this isn’t in an arrogant way. Arrogance does not equal confidence, so make sure you don’t get the two mixed up!

5) Their body language speaks volumes 

There are many non-verbal cues that will allow you to identify a confident person.

This includes walking around with your shoulders back, and with your chest and gaze up…

It’s unlikely that you’ll see a confident person dragging their feet while looking at the ground. 

Confident people are welcoming and open in their body language, and they want to connect with other people.

They don’t want to shy away from the world and want to hide themselves.

What’s more, eye contact is another big verbal cue that a person is confident. 

When someone locks eyes with another, it signals that they are comfortable in a situation and in themselves. 

6) They listen more than they speak 

Confident people don’t feel the need to constantly assert themselves or let other people know about how successful or how talented they are.

Because of their true confidence in themselves, they don’t feel the need to seek external validation.

This means they’re generally better company.

They don’t feel the need to constantly talk about themselves. Anyone can agree this is a great trait! 

Rather than trying to assert themselves and dominate a conversation with how great they are, confident people spend more time listening to others. 

A confident person is more likely to ask another person about what they’re doing in their lives and to be genuinely interested. 

7) They’re risk-takers 

Confident people have a higher likelihood of taking risks in life. 

This is because they have a belief in themselves and in things working out for them. 

A confident person will be more inclined to explore the unknown and even go into totally uncharted territory before – because of a belief in themselves to do something. 

It could be in the world of business or in a pursuit of personal goals. 

A confident person doesn’t have to have seen someone else do this in their lives – whether that’s around them or in the entire history of humanity!

8) They connect other people 

Confident people don’t live in fear that they’re going to be abandoned by others.

They don’t believe that they’ll lose out on friendships if they connect with their network of friends.

They love connecting people in their lives – whether they think they’re going to gel as BFFs or professional collaborators.

Instead, confident people have an unwavering sense of belief that the right people are in their lives at the right time and the right people stick!  

Simply put, they have no issue with connecting people that they know will get along and they enjoy seeing people come together. 

9) They share their ideas freely 

Confident people do not live in fear or lack.

One way this manifests is through not feeling as though they can’t share their ideas out of a fear that other people will steal them. 

Instead, confident people know that sharing their ideas can increase their power and also introduce them to new perspectives and possibilities!

They see a power in sharing and collaboration, rather than keeping things sorted themselves because they’re fearful another person will steal something.

10) They don’t pass judgment 

You’ll find that a confident person doesn’t go through life judging others.

The people who do this in life are the ones who have low self-esteem.

Those with low self-esteem judge others and feel the need to put other people down in order to feel good about themselves. 

But because confident people feel good in themselves to start with, they don’t feel the need to judge others.

You see, judging others and comparing yourself to others does no good for anyone involved, and it should be avoided if you want to start living like a confident person.

Pearl Nash

Pearl Nash has years of experience writing relationship articles for single females looking for love. After being single for years with no hope of meeting Mr. Right, she finally managed to get married to the love of her life. Now that she’s settled down and happier than she’s ever been in her life, she's passionate about sharing all the wisdom she's learned over the journey. Pearl is also an accredited astrologer and publishes Hack Spirit's daily horoscope.

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