Can a relationship go back to normal after cheating? (19 tips to rebuild trust)

Peter Pan syndrome

Are you wondering whether your relationship can go back to normal after cheating?

It’s certainly a difficult situation to deal with, but there is hope.

In this article, we’re going to cover 10 important signs a relationship can go back to normal after cheating.

We’ll also cover 19 crucial tips on how to make it go back to normal and heal together as a couple.

Let’s get started.

9 Signs That a Relationship Can Go Back To Normal After Cheating

1. You Still Enjoy Spending Time Together

The relationship might be broken but it is by no means over.

Sure, you may be arguing more often than ever and it feels like the relationship has been irretrievably split into two.

But in the quiet moments, you still see what made the relationship work in the first place.

There’s still love, laughter, and companionship.

Outside of the infidelity, the relationship still stands on its solid foundation, and it’s clear that the two of you still care about each other very much.

People who find themselves on either end of the cheating spectrum often no longer want to do anything with their partner, which is completely normal.

After all, how can you go back to making things normal again with someone who broke your trust?

But if you and your partner truly enjoy each other’s company and share that fondness for each other, there’s a good chance you can work on your problems together and come out of it stronger.

2. You’re Working Together To Rebuild Trust

Rebuilding the relationship after infidelity takes cooperation.

The cheater should feel remorse and openly express that to their partner so the aggrieved partner’s feelings are acknowledged.

On the other hand, as the partner who’s been cheated on, you should be willing and open to forgiving your partner.

You don’t have to forgive them now but you have to have the intention of actually working things out together instead of tipping the scales to one side.

Most relationships that fail to repair themselves after a cheating event is often caused by pride.

Neither party wants to speak to each other, creating a bigger wedge in the relationship.

It’s impossible to fix the relationship until you are both committed to making things work again.

Too many people think it’s only the one who’s been cheated on or the one who cheated that needs to do the work.

This imbalance is only going to tip the scales and emphasize the divide between the two of you.

Now more than ever, you need to meet halfway and figure out how to move forward together.

3. Get Advice Specific To Your Situation

Relationships can be confusing and frustrating. Sometimes you’ve hit a wall and you really don’t know what to do next. 

I know that I was always skeptical about getting outside help, until I actually tried it out. 

Relationship Hero is the best site I’ve found for love coaches who aren’t just talk. They have seen it all, and they know all about how to tackle difficult situations like rebuilding trust after being cheated on

Personally, I tried them last year while going through the mother of all crises in my own love life. They managed to break through the noise and give me real solutions. 

My coach was kind, they took the time to really understand my unique situation, and gave genuinely helpful advice. 

In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

Click here to check them out.

4. You Have A Strong Foundation of Friendship

Any romantic relationship with a strong foundation built on friendship has a higher chance of surviving through anything.

When you and your partner have a bond outside of the bedroom, it’s that much easier to grow each other.

You don’t just see each other as romantic interests; you see each other as equal, partners, and most importantly: friends.

When intimacy becomes difficult to navigate as is the case in affairs, this fondness you have for each other makes it easier to stay empathetic and kind in difficult decisions.

At the end of the day, you’re not just working together to get your partner back but also your best friend.

So ask yourself, do you still see this person as partner material?

Do you still like spending time with them?

Do you still respect them for who they are?

Do you think they have the capability to be truthful to you?

If you think you and your partner are still grounded on a strong foundation and have that unmistakable, almost irreplaceable bond with each other, be confident in what you have together.

Relationships built on strong friendships won’t crumble because of an affair.

5. You Can Talk Openly About The Affair

It’s never easy to pick on healing wounds but it doesn’t mean you should hide away from them altogether.

If you and your partner can talk about the affair and discuss it from an objective standpoint without resorting to shouting, shaming, and anger, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to navigate this situation together.

It won’t be easy, but the first step is learning how to bring the topic to light and learning how to confront it head-on.

Typically, affairs become the giant elephant in the room that only suffocates the relationship.

Couples that go on without truly addressing it and patching things up end up with resentment, even running the risk of repeating history again.

Even if both parties agree to move forward, it’s nearly impossible to truly heal and rebuild the trust unless the situation has been openly and plainly discussed.

You and your partner need to get to the point where you can openly discuss the affair and talk about it as is.

It’s a potentially relationship-altering event and the only way is through. Only then can you begin dissecting the situation and healing from it together.

6. You’re Willing To Forgive

You don’t just want to be wooed and taken care of — you also understand that you have the responsibility to actively build trust with your partner.

Too many relationships turn into a fierce competition post-cheating; the cheaters, in their attempt to win their partners back, often unwittingly fall into a face-off where the one who’s been cheated on asks for too much in recompense, without any intention to give back.

This mentality dooms the relationship to fail. It’s not about setting an expiration date on your healing; it’s about understanding that you have to move on, eventually.

The relationship is not going to be healthy unless you can actually forgive the other person instead of expecting them to be in perpetual servitude to you.

If you’re expecting your partner to chase your tail and serve you as a gesture of apology, ask yourself whether you want to save the relationship or whether you really just want to get even.

What are your expectations like in the relationship?

How do you see yourself working with your partner?

Are you interested in cooperating or do you feel like you’re entitled to just sitting back and letting your partner do the work for you?

Asking yourself these questions can help clarify whether it’s even worth repairing the relationship in the first place.

7. You’re Open To Counselling

There are some things that time simply can’t fix on its own.

It’s crucial to discuss the possibility of counseling in early conversations to see if both parties are on the same page.

You should both understand where the other person stands in terms of counseling to see how professional help could intervene and aid in repairing the relationship just in case sorting it out together doesn’t quite work out as planned.

Just the gesture of being open to counseling means you and your partner are willing to do anything, including bringing in an impartial third party, to make the relationship work.

Once you get to the point where you are both comfortable with the idea of getting professional counsel, you’ll soon realize that this commitment alone is progress in your relationship.

8. The Relationship Has Always Been Strong

This affair is like a hiccup in an otherwise smooth-sailing relationship.

In the grand scheme of things, everything has always been well between you and your partner.

Sure, you fight here and there (who doesn’t?) but you’ve always found a way to resolve things.

You work well together, you’re both intent on making the other feel good about the other person, and you treasure each other.

Your history of fighting and disagreements are minimal.

Or if you do have frequent fights, you also have a track record of fixing things amicably.

Outside of the infidelity, the relationship has been otherwise solid.

You’ve shown commitment and resolve in being with each other.

There isn’t an admissible reason behind cheating but that’s not to say you should throw away an otherwise great relationship.

People make bad judgments, mistakes happen. If you and your partner have been truly happy up to this point, there’s a big chance you can make it through this.

9. Your Partner Truly Wants To Do Better

They’re remorseful and just want to put things behind them.

They fully acknowledge what happened and are taking steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

They are open to talking to you about it and want to make sure you’re comfortable throughout the healing process.

Partners who let go of their pride and respond with understanding and empathy are more than ready to rebuild the relationship with you.

When cheaters are caught red-handed, they’ll usually try to come up with different excuses or even find a way to blame you for cheating.

If your partner openly admits it was his fault and makes earnest attempts to get you back, your relationship has a pretty good chance of making it.

19 Tips to Make Your Relationship Go Back to Normal After Cheating

1. Move Forward With Brutal Honesty

Some things are bound to change after an affair – that’s just inevitable.

The person who’s been cheated on will be spooked (understandably so) and suspicious for the time being.

Despite this, it’s important to set healthy boundaries that are comfortable for both of you.

As you move forward, it’s crucial that you also try to learn how to navigate difficult feelings so they don’t evolve into bigger, more impossible feelings.

People cheat in relationships because of different reasons, and although it’s inexcusable, it’s avoidable through transparency and communication.

Instead of letting things fester and erupt into a night of bad decisions, get used to the idea of telling each other everything.

Do you want better sex?

Are you looking for more or less intimacy in the bedroom?

Do you feel disconnected from your partner lately?

Talk about the things that bother you and encourage open and honest conversations with your partner.

2. You need to strengthen your relationship

Cheating in a relationship is the most obvious symptom that the relationship wasn’t working properly.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re the person who cheated or your partner cheated on you — YOU need to take responsibility for making the relationship better.

The best type of introspection into a relationship is trying to understand what the other person wants from a relationship with you.

Men and women are different and we want different things from a relationship.

There’s a new theory in relationship psychology that goes to the heart of what men really want when it comes to romance. It’s called the hero instinct.

According to the hero instinct, men have a biological drive to step up for the woman in his life, and provide for and protect her in a way no other man can.

In other words, he wants to be her hero.

Watch an excellent free video about this fascinating concept here.

I know it sounds a bit silly. In this day and age, women don’t need someone to rescue them. They don’t need a ‘hero’ in their lives.

And I couldn’t agree more.

But here’s the ironic truth. Men do still need to be a hero. Because it’s built into their DNA to seek out relationships that allow them to feel like a provider and protector.

Men have a thirst for your admiration. They want to step up for the woman in their lives and feel like he is essential to her. This is deeply rooted in male biology.

And the kicker?

A man won’t stay in a relationship unless this thirst is satisfied. He’ll keep looking for something else — or worst of all someone else — until this deep biological urge is met.

However, you can’t trigger his hero instinct just giving him admiration next time you see him. Men don’t like receiving participation awards for showing up. Trust me.

A man wants to feel like he has earned your admiration and respect.

The best way to learn how to trigger the hero instinct in your guy is to watch this free online video by relationship psychologist James Bauer.

Some ideas really are life-changing. And for romantic relationships, this is one of them.

Here’s a link to this excellent free video again.

3. Remove Temptations To Get Into An Affair

If you’re feeling particularly vulnerable, it’s pretty brave to admit that you need to remove yourself from certain situations for a while.

If the person you cheated with is someone you simply can’t avoid because of circumstances (a co-worker, a colleague, a close friend), take great steps to limit contact and cut them out from your life, at least temporarily.

Even if you’re not particularly tempted, it’s good to set yourself up in an environment where you don’t have to fight and say “no” to things.

Give yourself the space to heal and breathe as well; don’t hesitate to block people or let them know that you’re intent on keeping communication separate for the time being.

More than anything else, this gesture is helpful for your partner.

It shows them that you’re committing to your plans to move forward and that you have no problems cutting out that person in your life. In other words, it reassures them that you’re committed.

4. Consider Working With A Therapist

Infidelity is a murky affair. Working with a therapist isn’t an admission of defeat.

On the contrary, it’s just another way of saying “I want to stay in this and I want to work through it.”

People acquire professional help for a number of reasons.

Maybe you’re not the best communicator and want an intermediary to help you understand each other better.

Maybe the reason for the affair is rooted in untapped insecurities or deeply entangled relationship problems.

5. Get To The Root of The Problem

So many people make the mistake of wanting to fix a relationship without asking themselves, “What the hell is the problem with it?”

We think that all it takes is being kind and patience, but love is so much more complicated and nuanced than that.

While it’s totally the fault of the cheater for cheating in the first place, both partners must ask themselves: why did they cheat, and what can we do to stop it from happening again?

Band-aid solutions won’t stop the cheating from happening again.

If you physically stop your partner from cheating, their desire to cheat won’t go away; they’ll simply end up resenting you and showing their resentment and disloyalty in other ways.

To truly solve the issue, both partners must have an honest discussion about what they like and don’t like in the relationship.

They must set the foundation for new love to blossom, rather than trying to force love the same broken way again.

6. Be Patient With Each Other

The truth you have to accept is that you no longer know your partner as much as you once thought you did. The fact that they could cheat on you — or you could cheat on them — means there’s a part of your minds that you’re keeping from one another, and that’s not something that you had when you first fell in love.

So be patient. Relearning how to love each other without any kind of infidelity means relearning each other.

Understanding this new person that your partner is now; not the person they were when you first met.

There will be growing pains, and there will be signs that might make you feel off every now and then.

Let it go. Take a deep breath and accept that change has to happen if progress is to occur.

Patience is a key virtue in fixing this relationship for good.

7. Commit To Building A Future Together

Sex is sex, but a relationship is life.

It’s a choice to commit to building a life with another person; sharing your finances, raising your kids together, and building a home.

While the fact that a partner cheated on the other may hurt both individuals for a long time, the only way you can truly move forward is by accepting that it happened and looking at the big picture.

Both partners have to ask themselves: “Do I still want to do this?” And that means asking yourselves, “What is this?”

This shouldn’t just be a fling, a relationship, something you’re doing for fun to pass the time.

This should have value beyond the fact that you like each other’s company; it should be a home, a family, something tangible and more important than just you two together.

And if you two decide that there is no this to even talk about, then what’s the point of trying to fix it in the first place? It may just be time to move on.

8. Limit The Times When You Talk About It

One mistake that many couples make when trying to heal from cheating is never letting the issue rest.

You need to let the relationship be the relationship; not the scene of a terrible crime that the cheating partner can never get away from.

All too often, the betrayed partner thinks it’s their right to hold the infidelity over their partner’s head whenever they want.

They use it to win arguments, to get what they want, or even just to guilt their partner whenever they feel like it.

But this will just end up forcing the cheater to resent their partner.

The relationship starts to feel like an obligation to make up for their guilt; a prison sentence with no definable duration.

Instead of learning how to love their partner and the relationship again, they just start to hate themselves and eventually wish that they had cheated more.

Just remember: there’s a time and a place to talk about cheating.

No one is more ashamed of it than the cheater, and it shouldn’t be used as a trump card to get whatever you want.

9. Cut The “Other Person” Out Completely

While this one may seem obvious, it’s also surprisingly one of the last things people do.

We always like to imagine that cheating just happens in a one-night stand with some random hookup from the club, but most cases of married cheating occur with someone a person regularly sees in their day-to-day life.

Usually, this means a co-worker, but it can also be a long-time friend, a neighbor, or anyone else who pops in and out regularly in your life.

This makes the act of removing them from your life not as easy as simply deleting their number; sometimes it might be someone you have constant contact with, someone you need to stay in communication with.

Here’s the cold hard truth: keeping them in your life isn’t going to work.

No matter how understanding or caring your partner may be, the fact that you regularly still see or communicate with that person is going to eat at them slowly from the inside out until they twitch in anger at every text and email you get, and they spend every single day wondering if you’re with that person right this moment.

Get a new job, ask to be moved, or even move your family to a new place. Do whatever it takes to cut that person out so you never have to see or talk to them again. It’s the only way your partner can truly begin to heal.

10. Accept that it happened and the emotions you’re feeling

Let’s face it: If cheating occurred, then there is a healing process that the one being cheated on needs to go through.

It’s not easy, and it takes time, but it is possible.

If you’re the one who has been cheated on, then you need to accept how you’re feeling.

It’s the only way you’ll be able to move on.

After all, you’re probably feeling upset, betrayed, and sad. You can’t stop wondering how the hell it happened.

Was it your fault?

Was it their fault?

Was it simply a small mistake?

Yet with such an act of betrayal, you can’t help but question your own self-worth.

These feelings are perfectly normal for anyone that’s just been cheated on.

What you don’t want to do is try to ignore it and move on with the relationship.

Accepting how you’re feeling isn’t easy. Negative feelings aren’t fun.

But what helps some people is writing down how they are feeling in a journal.

Writing is great for slowing down the mind and processing how you’re feeling.

Give it a try. You’ll be able to express your painful feelings, and in the process, understand them.

Remember: If you don’t process those negative feelings, then you’ll never truly get over the fact that your partner cheated on you.

11. Shed the blame

It’s incredibly common for anyone who has been to cheated on to blame themselves.

Strange, right? You’d think that blame should only be directed at the partner who committed infedlity but it just isn’t the case.

What your partner chose to do has nothing to do with you. You shouldn’t feel responsible for your partner’s actions. That’s not how it works. And obsessing over what could have been is useless.

It’s happened, and there’s nothing you could do about it. In fact, blaming yourself, your partner or anyone else won’t change anything and it’s just wasted energy.

It’s also important to avoid playing the victim. Don’t wallow in self-pity.

Instead, process those emotions and then look forward to the future of what lies ahead of you and how you’ll make your relationship work (if that’s what you want).

12. Get over the jealously

It’s entirely natural for anyone that’s been cheated on to feel the emotion of jealously.

After all, the person who was supposed to be loyal to you has betrayed the trust of someone else.

But the truth is this:

Jealously is just an emotion, and it doesn’t serve any purpose.

Jealously certainly doesn’t allow for logic. And jealously can lead to resentment, and as the old adage claims: “Resentment is like a poison you drink yourself, and then wait for the other person to die”.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s important to speak to your partner and work out why they did what they did.

There’s no need to throw your hands in your air and quit the relationship right away.

Ask questions and listen to what really happened. It’s only by understanding what happened that you’ll be able to move on from the feelings of jealously, and most importantly, figure out if it’s worth it to continue the relationship.

13. If the relationship is to go back to normal, you need to forgive them

Whether you like it or not, the moment you discover that your partner has cheated on you, you are now on a new path – a new path of forgiveness.

The idea of forgiving them might seem ridiculous, particularly if they haven’t truly apologized to you, or shown no signs of remorse or regret.

No one deserves to be cheated on, for whatever reason.

Cheating is the ultimate betrayal – we place all our love and time into the person we choose, and they pay us back by deceiving us, lying to us, and giving part of themselves to another person.

It is only when you forgive their actions that the relationship can begin to move forward again.

14. Does your partner deserve a second chance? Knowing when the relationship can go back to normal

You can forgive your partner without offering them a second chance, and simply letting the relationship end.

But for most people who find themselves cheated on, you won’t want the relationship to end.

It will hurt for a long time, but your partner is still the person you fell in love with. So do they deserve a second chance at the relationship?

Consider the possible red flags first before deciding to give them a second chance:

  • They cheated on you with an ex-partner, meaning there were some old feelings involved
  • They cheated on you in a long-term affair rather than a one-night stand
  • They haven’t exactly apologized to you, and haven’t shown any true remorse
  • They cheated early into the relationship
  • They have a history of controlling, abusive, or jealous behavior, meaning they have been projecting themselves onto you
  • This isn’t the first time they have cheated or lied to you

Every relationship can be saved, but the question you have to ask yourself is: does it deserve to be saved?

Your sanity and happiness are more important than your relationship with your partner.

Don’t forgive them for the wrong reasons, or else you will find yourself living in a state of unhappiness for years. Some of these wrong reasons include:

  • You want to forgive them because you’ve been together for so long. This is called the “sunk cost” dilemma – you don’t want all the time you’ve spent together to be wasted, so you would rather stay together instead of throwing the relationship away.
  • You want to forgive them because you’ve also cheated on them, or hurt them in other ways. While this can certainly influence your decision on whether to forgive them or not, it shouldn’t be the only factor. Do you really want every part of your relationship to be solved in an eye-for-an-eye scenario?
  • You want to forgive them because you have kids. You love your kids, and the last thing you want to give them is a broken home. But if the alternative is an unhappy set of parents, is that really better?
  • You want to forgive them because your social circles are tied together. After years of building lives together, all your friends know you as a couple. You are afraid that if you broke up, you would force all your friends to pick sides, or worse, you would lose all your friends. But that’s just a chance you might have to take.

15. To Forgive or Not to Forgive? The Forgiveness Questionnaire

When you are deciding on whether or not to forgive your partner for cheating on you, there are 10 important questions you have to ask yourself. These are as follows:

1) Has your partner apologized, and was their apology sincere?

2) Does your partner truly understand how much hurt they have caused you?

3) Is this the first time your partner has cheated?

4) Do you believe you could ever trust your partner again?

5) Will you truly forgive your partner, or will you remind them of the infidelity whenever you have a disagreement?

6) Is there anyone else that depends on your relationship? Kids, family, friends?

7) Are you and your partner both willing to put the work in to resolve your conflicts and fix whatever led to the cheating?

8) Who did your partner cheat on you with? Was it a one-night stand, or a long-term affair with an ex?

9) Has your partner accepted their unfaithfulness towards you?

10) Can you ever be happy with your partner again?

16. Talk with your partner

This is probably the most crucial step if your relationship is to survive infidelity and go back to normal.

This is especially the case if you don’t know whether to continue the relationship.

First, you’ll want to gather all the available information. Do you have proof that your partner cheated? Without proof, you will look like a distrusting fool.

And before you talk with your partner, try to figure out what you really want. Do you want to stay together with your partner? Are you not sure?

If you’re not sure, and you want to get clarity about what your partner did and whether they feel remorse, then your goal is to gather information so you can decide what to do.

You obviously need to plan for this discussion and make sure that you’re in a private place where you can actually talk without a filter.

The hard part about this is that you need to try and listen to what your partner has to say about why they cheating.

“Cheating doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and it’s crucial to be honest about your part in the relationship,” relationship expert April Masini told Bustle.

“It’s easy to play victim, but more often than not, the cheating happened because the cheater felt neglected or mistreated or not valued. That doesn’t excuse that person’s behavior, but it explains it, and it shows that cheating was a symptom, not the main problem.”

It may sound harsh to hear, but there’s usually a reason for why someone cheats, and that reason needs to be resolved if the relationship is to move on and be successful.

No matter what outcome you’re looking for, talking about your partner’s infidelity is necessary if you are to fix the relationship or if you want to end it with some closure.

“People cheat for different reasons. They may love their partners at the time. Sex addiction, personal insecurity, and payback are just some of the reasons both men and women have extramarital affairs. None of them are good, but understanding why can help,” psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith told Psychology Today.

It’s going to be tough to confront your partner but it’s something you need to talk about if you are to move on with your relationship.

Remember: relationships are a two-way street.

There must be a give-and-take going in both directions. When that breaks down, your partner can feel betrayed as well.

And it is much more difficult to confront the realities of a relationship that have slowly broken down over an extended period of time.

Don’t blame yourself. But hear them out, too.

There are many cheaters out there who cheat just for the fun of it, with little to no remorse for their loyal, caring partner.

But some cheaters have more of a reason and justification for their actions. Although cheating is never right, sometimes it’s not as wrong as you might think.

17. What do you want really?

If a relationship is to survive infidelity, then you need to make that you can commit to the relationship.

If you have significant doubt about the trust you feel for your partner, and you think that it will be almost impossible to overcome, then it’s time to consider whether you want to stay in a relationship.

The truth is, this decision will be different for everyone.

Do you have a young family? Kids? Own a house together?

There are going to be certain situations and concrete ties between both partners where clearly it makes sense to work through the issues.

If the relationship is just at the point of being girlfriend and boyfriend and not much more then it’s going to be easier to walk away and find someone new.

Keep in mind that there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s up to you to figure out if it’s worth it for you to continue with the relationship and move on from infidelity.

Some couples successfully move on from infidelity and create a better, stronger relationship. There’s no doubt about that.

But it takes effort and commitment from both partners to build trust and make the relationship work.

If you’re trying to make the decision right now, here are some questions you can ask yourself if your partner has cheated on you:

1) Do they care that they’ve hurt you? Do they even understand they’ve hurt you? And do they truly regret what they did?
2) Do you know the full extent of their cheating? Have they actually been honest with you about it?
3) Will you be able to move on? Or will the fact they’ve cheated always be in the back of our mind? Will you be able to trust them again?
4) Is it worth saving the relationship? Or is it better to move on?

18. Getting even won’t work

A common reaction from anyone that has been cheated on is to feel the urge to get even by having an affair themselves.

Look, this was the first thought I had when I found out my partner had cheated. It’s probably natural. I wanted to go out to the nearest bar with my friends and try to pick up the first random person that would be interested in me.

Luckily I didn’t. That would be a surefire way to cause more problems in the relationship and most likely finish it.

Getting even is desperate, petty, full of toxic energy, and most importantly, it does nothing to save the relationship.

Irina Firstein, a couple’s therapist, says that getting even may give the vengeful partner a “momentary sense of satisfaction” but that “ultimately it’s not going to move you toward any resolution and will only make things more complicated”.

So if you’ve decided to stick with the relationship, don’t try to get even. It will only keep your anger alive, make the situation more complicated, and make it less likely that your relationship can survive the toxic energy curtailing it

19. Take care of yourself

We spoke about the negative emotions you’re probably experiencing. Something as drastic as infidelity can take a toll on you emotionally and physically.

You might have that nagging feeling constantly in your stomach. Perhaps you can’t help but think about what happened.

I was struggling more than usual. Those pesky emotions aren’t fun.

This is normal but you do need to make sure that you take care of yourself in this turbulent time.

Use journaling to process those emotions and break down what you’re really thinking. Speak to someone you can trust. Make sure you stick to your routine: Getting 8 hours of sleep and exercise.

Taking care of yourself will allow yourself to think clearly and understand what your next steps are.


If your relationship is to go back to normal after infidelity, then you get through these negative emotions in the background. If you can’t, then those negative emotions will fester and eventually bite you and the relationship in the back down the track.

What’s next for your relationship?

Cheating doesn’t have to mean the end of a relationship.

However, it is a sign that the relationship must be improved — and both of you have responsibility to do this.

The best way I know to improve a relationship is to truly understand what your partner wants from you (trust me, it may not be what you think).

If you’re a woman who wants to understand what your man truly craves from your relationship, check out this excellent video here.

You’ll be introduced to a brand new concept in relationship psychology that’s generating a lot of buzz at the moment. It’s called the hero instinct.

I think it holds the key to a deep and passionate relationship for life.

Here’s a link to the video again.

Heal Together As a Couple

Many people view cheating as a malicious act done by one partner to the other, and so the betrayed partner must heal while the cheating partner must atone for their sins.

But cheating is a much deeper problem, one that stems from problems way below the surface of the relationship.

This means the healing process must be a combined effort, a journey involving both partners, not just one.

Healing from cheating involves more than just learning how to live with infidelity in your lives.

It also involves learning how to correct the things that led to the environment where cheating was desired in the first place.


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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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