Summer is here and that means getting out and soaking up the sun, seeing friends, watching outdoor movies, lighting bonfires, sipping cold beers, and taking road trips.
But Summer can also mean spending more money than you had planned.
If you have travel plans this summer, you’ll want to conserve your funds for that vacation, and if you aren’t planning on hitting the open road or hopping a jet plane this Summer, why not pocket some of your hard-saved cash and save it for a rainy day?
If you are looking for some cool ideas that won’t break the bank this Summer, check out our epic list of 30 things you can do this Summer that won’t cost a lot of money!
1) Potluck
Everyone can bring a dish and you can swap recipes. It’s cheap and easy and can lead to a fun-filled night under the stars. Set the patio table up for dinner and relax with friends and good food.
2) Spa Day
Grab the girls and your best nail polish and hang out laughing and primping for the weekend. Don’t fuss over the details. Just enjoy each other’s company.
3) Movies
You don’t need to drop $50 to see a movie in a theatre. Find your fav spot on the sofa, lay out some pillows and blankets and grab the popcorn and your friends.
4) Social Media Party
Catch up on your Pinterest boards together and make plans to actually create some of the awesome things you see online.
5) Parks Rule
Because they are free.
Take a stroll in a local park or hike it up in the mountains. Either way, it’s a fun way to spend time with friends on the cheap.
6) Clothing Swap
Seasons change and so do tastes. Rather than blow you hard-earned money at the mall, host a clothing swap and get some new digs for free.
7) Yard Sale
Have a yard sale and laugh away the morning with your best buds. Or, hop in the car and visit some yard sales. You never know what you might find for a buck or two.
8) Free Concerts
Summer means free concerts. They are everywhere so grab a newspaper and circle the ones that sound good to you!
9) Volunteer
Give back your community in a positive way and create a special bond with your friends while you are at it.
It could be a great tradition to start this Summer and carry forward for years to come.
10) Board Game Marathon
Dust off that Scrabble game and find your seat at the table. Try a marathon or competition and see who is the last man standing… don’t forget the snacks!
11) Baseball
Who doesn’t love a pickup game of baseball? You just need a few gloves and a couple of bats and you are all set.
Have fun and enjoy the hot Summer sun with friends. Split on a case of beer for afterwards and you’ll be glad you did.
12) Video Game Tournament
Haven’t played video games in a while? Who cares!
You’ll be back in the swing of things in no time. If you aren’t into today’s video games, try some classics on for size.
Most new consoles have the favorites of yesteryear online these days.
13) Cook
Invite your besties over for dinner and cook a delicious meal together. Try something new for even more fun and potential to order pizza when it goes horribly wrong.
14) Dumpster Dive
Grab your friend’s pickup truck and head out looking for furniture, thrift shop deals, and giveaway finds on the side of the road.
Then take it back to your place and spruce it up in a new way.
15) Fishing
Come on, do we even have to say it? Go fishing. It’s what Summer is all about.
16) Bike Rides
Don’t have a bike? Rent one. No excuses this Summer!
17) Camping
A few blankets, some food, and a tent are all you need to have a fun time. You don’t even have to go very far: camp in your backyard!
18) Take a Walk Down Memory Lane
Look at old pictures and laugh til you cry!
19) Scavenger Hunt
You can find all kinds of ideas online for this one.
20) Go to the Zoo
There are usually “free” days in the Summer so watch for those.
21) Walk About Town
Grab an iced coffee and play tourist in your town for the day.
22) Quilting Bee
Learn something new and make some new friends at a quilting bee.
23) Open Mic Night
Haha, just do it. You’ll be glad you did.
24) Find a Swimming Hole
Your own piece of paradise is not as far as you might think.
25) Read Books All Summer
Start a book club and meet up throughout the summer to talk about the books you read.
26) Go to a Church Service
Don’t go to church? Why not try a community event put on by a church? Give it a try.
27) Bake
Chocolate anything. Obviously.
28) Sell Lemonade
Don’t spend money this Summer, make money! It’s fun and you’ll surely make some money while you are at it. You are never too old to love lemonade!
29) Swap CDs
Take a walk down memory lane and cringe at how bad music used to be.
30) Double Date Night
Grab your gal pals and their guys and head out for a night on the town. Split the cab and you’ll save even more money.