9 unique traits of people who make decisions with their heart, not their head

There’s a distinct contrast between those who make decisions with their head and those who follow their heart.

The distinction boils down to feeling versus logic. Decision-makers who lean on their head often prioritize facts, data, and reasoning.

But those who listen to their hearts? They’re a different breed altogether. They lean into emotions, instincts, and gut feelings.

These people have unique traits that set them apart. And I believe there’s something quite magical about them.

In this article, we’re going to dive into the 9 unique traits of people who make decisions with their heart, not their head

Let’s get started. 

1) Empathy overrules

People who decide with their hearts are often ruled by empathy, more so than logic.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s not just about sympathizing, it’s about truly feeling other people’s emotions.

For heart-deciders, empathy often plays a huge role in their decision-making process. They consider the impacts of their choices on others, and this emotional understanding can drastically sway their decisions.

These individuals tend to put themselves in other people’s shoes before making a decision. They imagine how their choices will affect others and this can lead them down a different path than if they were to decide purely based on logic or facts.

But it’s important to remember that just because they’re led by empathy doesn’t mean they’re incapable of logical reasoning. It’s just that their heart, their emotions, have a louder voice in the decision-making process.

So if you’re someone who decides with your heart, don’t be surprised if empathy often takes the driver’s seat.

2) Gut instincts lead the way

Heart-led decision makers often have a strong connection with their gut instincts. They trust their inner voices and feelings to guide them.

I can personally vouch for this. I remember a time when I was offered a high-paying job that, on paper, seemed perfect. But something inside me just didn’t feel right. My head was saying yes but my heart was shouting no.

I couldn’t put my finger on it, there was nothing logically wrong with the offer. But my gut was giving me a clear signal to turn it down.

So, I listened to my heart and declined the offer, even though it didn’t make sense to many around me. A few months later, I discovered that the company had undergone major restructuring and many positions, including the one I was offered, were made redundant.

That experience reaffirmed my belief in the power of gut instincts. It reminded me that sometimes our hearts can perceive what our minds cannot.

For heart-led decision makers like me, trusting our gut isn’t just an option, it’s a guiding principle.

3) They’re comfortable with uncertainty

In a world where facts and data often dominate decision-making, heart-led individuals stand apart. They’re comfortable with uncertainty and can make decisions even when they don’t have all the answers.

This trait is actually backed by science.

People who trust their feelings are better at predicting future events than those who don’t.

This is because our emotions can act as a rapid, automatic summary of past experiences, helping us navigate uncertain situations.

While some might view this as risky or impulsive, heart-decision makers see it as trusting themselves and their experiences.

They lean into the unknown, guided by their emotions and instincts, and often find success in places others might have overlooked due to lack of concrete evidence or data.

4) They value personal connections

Heart-led individuals often place significant value on personal connections. They tend to be excellent at building and maintaining relationships.

For these individuals, decisions aren’t just about immediate outcomes or logical conclusions. They consider the impact on the people involved and the relationships they hold dear.

This trait extends to their professional life too. They might choose a job where they feel a sense of camaraderie and connection over a higher-paying job with less personal interaction.

They understand that while facts and figures can change, the bonds they form with people are priceless.

Their heart-driven decisions often revolve around these connections, ensuring they nurture and maintain them throughout their lives.

5) They’re not afraid to show vulnerability

Those who make decisions with their heart are often unafraid of showing vulnerability. They understand that expressing emotions doesn’t equate to weakness, but rather, it’s a sign of authenticity and strength.

These individuals do not shy away from expressing their feelings and emotions, even in decision-making scenarios. They believe in being genuine and true to themselves, even if it means revealing their vulnerabilities.

This vulnerability can lead to deep, meaningful relationships and decisions that align with their true selves. It allows them to connect with others on a deeper level and make decisions that truly resonate with who they are.

Being vulnerable isn’t about being weak. It’s about being brave enough to show your true self and making choices that align with your heart.

6) They appreciate the journey, not just the destination

As heart-guided decision-makers, these individuals have a unique perspective on life. They see life as a journey, not just a series of destinations or goals to be achieved.

They value experiences, emotions, and the lessons learned along the way. They cherish the process and the growth it brings, even if it’s sometimes accompanied by heartache or struggle.

For them, decisions are about more than just reaching an end goal. It’s about the journey, the people they meet along the way, and the personal growth they experience.

Their heart-led decisions reflect this belief. They might take the road less traveled or make choices that don’t necessarily lead to immediate success.

But they trust that their heart is guiding them on a journey that’s uniquely their own, filled with rich experiences and invaluable lessons.

7) They’re risk-takers

Heart-led decision makers are often seen as risk-takers. They’re willing to take leaps of faith, driven by their heart’s call, even when the outcome is uncertain.

I remember when I decided to quit my stable job to pursue a passion project. On paper, it was a risky move. But my heart was pulling me towards it so strongly that I couldn’t ignore it.

I jumped into the unknown, trusting my heart and its guidance. The journey was challenging, filled with ups and downs. But it was also incredibly rewarding, as I was doing something I truly loved.

This willingness to take risks, to follow their heart even into uncertainty, is a defining trait of heart-decision makers.

They trust their heart’s wisdom and are willing to venture into the unknown if their heart guides them there.

8) They are guided by their values

For heart-driven decision makers, their personal values serve as a compass guiding their decisions. They have a clear sense of what matters most to them and make choices that align with these core beliefs.

Whether it’s kindness, honesty, integrity, or love, these values often take center stage, influencing their decisions. They prefer to stay true to these principles rather than compromise them for practicality or convenience.

This unwavering commitment to their values can sometimes make their decisions seem illogical to others.

But for them, it’s about staying true to who they are and what they believe in. Their heart’s guidance often leads them to choices that reflect these deeply held values.

9) They listen to their inner voice

Perhaps the most significant trait of heart-decision makers is their ability to listen to their inner voice. Amid all the noise, opinions, and expectations of the world, they’ve mastered the art of tuning into their own heart.

Their decisions stem from this inner dialogue, this quiet whisper that guides them. They trust this voice, understanding that it’s a reflection of their true selves.

It’s this intimate connection with their inner self that enables them to make decisions aligned with their heart. It allows them to navigate life in a way that’s authentic and true to who they are. This, above all else, is the power of making decisions with your heart.

Final thoughts: It’s all about authenticity

The complexity of human decision-making is a fascinating aspect of our existence. And for those who make decisions with their heart, it’s a journey that’s deeply personal and authentic.

A quote from Steve Jobs encapsulates this beautifully: “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

Heart-led decision makers embody this sentiment. They listen to their inner voice, guided by their emotions, values, and instincts. They’re not afraid to show vulnerability, take risks, or embrace uncertainty.

Whether it’s a decision about career paths, relationships, or daily choices, they stay true to their heart’s guidance. Their decisions may not always align with logical reasoning or societal norms, but they are genuine reflections of who they are.

As we navigate through our own decision-making processes, let’s remember the power of authenticity. Let’s remember the courage it takes to listen to our hearts and the beautiful journey it can lead us on.

After all, making decisions with our heart isn’t just about choosing an option; it’s about choosing ourselves.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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