We all have our quirks, right? But if you’re like me – someone who finds solace in silence, prefers deep conversations, and often retreats into their own world – well, you might have been called ‘strange’ a time or two.
I’m an introvert, and I’ve spent a good chunk of my life dancing to a different tune, one that isn’t always heard or understood by everyone.
In a world that often feels loud, bustling, and overwhelmingly social, my introverted habits have made me pause and wonder, “Is there something off about me?”
But here’s what I’ve realized – being an introvert isn’t weird. It’s just different.
And in this piece, I’m peeling back the layers to reveal 8 things I, and many introverts, do that might raise eyebrows but are perfectly okay.
It’s a journey into the quieter, reflective, and thoughtful world I inhabit. A world that isn’t strange, just misunderstood.
1. Choosing Solitude Isn’t Loneliness
Sometimes people wonder why I’d rather stay in on a Friday night than go out to a crowded place.
It’s a choice that often raises eyebrows, but for me, it’s a sanctuary. I’m not antisocial or lonely; I’m just recharging, finding my energy in the quiet spaces where my thoughts roam free.
In those silent moments, with just me, myself, and I, there’s a freedom, a peace that’s hard to describe.
It’s a time when I reconnect with myself, dive into my own thoughts, and let my imagination soar.
The solitude isn’t a prison; it’s a playground, a space where every thought, every dream is a possibility, unjudged and unhindered.
So when I decline an invite to a party or a social gathering, know that I’m not pushing you away. I’m pulling myself into a space where I refuel and rejuvenate.
And when I emerge, I bring with me the energy and vibrancy to be the friend, the companion, the listener that you value.
2. Diving Deep Over Small Talk
I’ve always found myself lingering on the sidelines at social gatherings, not because I’m shy, but because the typical chit-chat doesn’t pull me in.
It’s not that I don’t want to engage or connect, but the surface-level conversations often leave me yearning for something more substantial.
For me, and many introverts alike, it’s all about the deep, meaningful conversations. The ones that make you lose track of time and leave you with that buzzing energy of a connection that’s more than just polite banter.
I’d often find myself talking about the mysteries of the universe, the intricacies of human psychology, or the plot twists in a captivating novel rather than who’s dating who or the latest office gossip.
I know it might seem peculiar to some, that I’d prefer silence over filling the air with words.
But in those moments of depth and substance, that’s where I find my sanctuary, my connection.
It’s not about being aloof or distant, it’s about cherishing the quality of words and conversations over the quantity.
3. Being Quiet but Not Shy
A lot of times, people think I’m shy because I’m not always talking or jumping into conversations.
But that’s not it. I’m just… quiet. And being quiet is okay, even though it might make me seem a bit odd in a world that can’t stop talking.
I listen a lot. I watch. I take in what’s around me. I think before I speak, and sometimes, I get lost in my own thoughts.
It’s not that I don’t want to talk, it’s just that I’m comfortable in silence. It gives me the space to think, to breathe, to be me.
There’s a whole storm of thoughts whirling around in my head, and sometimes I need a moment to catch them.
I’ve been in rooms full of people and felt invisible, and you know what, sometimes that’s okay. It’s not that I feel left out, it’s just my way of taking a step back, of soaking it all in.
I might not say a lot, but when I do, I make it count.
So, if you ever see someone sitting quietly amidst the noise, know that we’re not weird or sad, we’re just being us in our own quiet way.
4. Avoiding Eye Contact
Sometimes, looking someone in the eye feels like too much for me. It’s not that I’m trying to be rude or that I’m not interested in the conversation.
It’s just that eye contact can be intense. It’s like opening a window straight into my thoughts and feelings, and that can be a little overwhelming.
I often find myself glancing away, looking at the floor, or just anywhere but directly into someone’s eyes.
It helps me gather my thoughts, makes me feel a bit less on the spot. In those moments, I’m not avoiding the conversation; I’m actually diving deeper into it, processing every word, and formulating my response.
I know it might come off as strange, or like I’m disconnected, but it’s the exact opposite. I’m connecting in my own way, taking every word to heart.
So, if you notice someone avoiding eye contact, remember, it’s not about disinterest or disrespect. It’s just one of those quirks that some of us introverts have – a way to process and connect on a level that feels safe and comfortable.
5. Turning Down Invites but Not Unfriendly
It might sound weird, but sometimes I say no to hanging out, even when I actually want to see my friends.
It’s not because I’m not interested or don’t care about them. It’s actually the opposite – I value my friendships so much that I don’t want to bring a less-than-energetic version of myself to the table.
There are days when I just need to be alone to recharge, to gather my energy back so I can be the best friend I can be.
It’s like my energy is a battery, and too much socializing drains it fast. If I kept going without a break, I’d be running on empty, and that’s no fun for anyone.
So, weirdly enough, turning down an invite is sometimes my way of being a good friend. It means I care enough to want to give you the best of me when we do hang out.
And trust me, when I’m recharged and ready, I’m all in for a good time with my pals.
6. Loving to Listen More Than Talk
I’m the one at the party who’s not telling stories but is all ears, soaking up every word.
To some, it might seem odd. In a world where everyone wants to be heard, I find my comfort in listening. It’s not that I don’t have stories to tell, opinions to share, or experiences to unfold.
It’s just that listening – truly listening – is where I find my joy.
I get to step into someone else’s world, see things through their eyes, feel their emotions, and understand their perspectives.
It’s like a live movie or a book unfolding in real-time, rich with emotions, filled with nuances, and brimming with life.
And in these moments of silence, of attentive listening, I find a connection deeper than words.
People might wonder why I’m not jumping into the conversation, why I’m not filling the air with my voice.
But in the quietude, in the attentive listening, I’m connecting, understanding, and engaging in my own silent way.
7. Overthinking but It’s Not Anxiety
Sometimes, my mind is a maze. It twists and turns with thoughts, ideas, and “what ifs” at every corner.
And oftentimes, I find myself caught in a loop of overthinking. I’ll replay conversations in my head, dissecting every word, every pause, every expression.
It’s not because I’m anxious or insecure, but because I’m wired to reflect deeply.
I notice the little things, the nuances that others might overlook. A slight change in tone, a fleeting expression, the unsaid words hanging in the silence – they all echo in my mind, painting a picture that’s as vivid as it is complex.
It’s a blessing and a curse. I see and feel things on a level that’s raw and intense. It makes my world rich but also, at times, overwhelming.
People might mistake it for anxiety, but it’s not. It’s a depth of processing that’s as natural to me as breathing.
I’m not always looking for solutions or answers.
Sometimes, I’m just wandering in the intricate corridors of my thoughts, feeling every emotion, living every moment, in a world that’s as tumultuous as it is beautiful.
8. Preferring Texts Over Calls
I get it, answering the phone isn’t a big deal for most people. But for me? I’d rather text.
It’s not that I don’t want to talk. It’s just that texting gives me a little space to think, to breathe, to respond in my own time.
A ringing phone feels like being put on the spot, and sometimes, that’s a lot to handle.
Texting is different. It’s like having a conversation at my own pace. I can take a moment, gather my thoughts, and then reply.
It’s not rushed or immediate, and that feels comfortable. I can be more me through texts.
So, if I ever let a call go to voicemail, it’s not that I’m ignoring you or I don’t care. I’m just taking a moment, and I’ll get back to you, promise.
And when I do, it’ll be a message that’s thought out and just for you.
I’ve shared a peek into my world – the quiet moments, the deep thoughts, and those habits that might seem a bit odd to some.
Being an introvert means I experience the world in my own unique way. It’s not better or worse, just different.
I used to wonder if there was something wrong with me. Why did I love silence so much? Why did big crowds make me want to run away and hide?
But I’ve learned it’s all part of being an introvert. It’s who I am, and I’m okay with that.
For those who’ve ever felt the same way, know you’re not alone. And you’re not strange. You’re just you, and that’s something to be proud of.
And for those who don’t get it, that’s okay too. We all have our ways, and life’s a mix of all sorts.
So here’s to the quiet ones, the dreamers, and the thinkers. We’re not odd; we’re just walking a different path. And every step on this journey is a dance to the beat of our own quiet drum.
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