Stuck with kids and running out of things to do?
I got one suggestion for you – play a game answering “would you rather” questions!
I think whoever started “would you rather questions” is a parent of nine kids stuck in the house for six months without a television, a radio, or anything.
But, you’d agree this idea is pure genius. And I am truly grateful to this anonymous person that we’ll never have a chance of knowing.
This game is very versatile too because you can also use them for teenagers and even adults. The applications are endless – whether you want to make a person laugh, get to know your workmates, torment your best friend, or a means to prevent your kids from fighting when you’re a long car ride; it works.
So if you’re looking for would you rather questions for whatever situation you’re in, here’s a hefty list of them, you’ll never click another website.
160 Would You Rather Questions For Kids:
Would you rather get caught eating a booger or scratching your privates?
Would you rather play video games or play outside?
Would you rather have an unlimited amount of chips or candy?
Would you rather have cookies or cake?
Would you rather eat tacos or pizza?
Would you rather to never eat your favorite food the rest of your life or only be allowed to eat your favorite food for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be a police officer or fire fighter?
Would you rather never have to brush your teeth again or never have to take a bath or shower again?
Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your boogers?
Would you rather eat a dead bug or a live worm?
Would you rather get good grades or be good at sports?
Would you rather go to the school only for four months in the winter and have the rest of the year off or go to school in the summer and have the rest of the year off?
Would you rather be the most intelligent kid in school and make awesome grades or be the most popular kid in school and make poor grades?
Would you rather set the table before dinner or clean up after dinner?
Would you rather get up very early or stay up very late?
Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of mud?
Would you rather have a dog as a pet or a cat as a pet?
Would you rather have five stitches to fix a bad cut or have a tooth pulled?
Would you rather play inside all day or play outside all day?
Would you rather sneeze cheese or have your tears be chocolate flavored?
Would you rather have 500 spiders in your bedroom or 1000 grasshoppers in the rest of the house?
Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
Would you rather lie to your parents or lie to your best friend?
Would you rather eat two tablespoons full of liquid soap or drink a glass full of liquid one tablespoon in water?
Would you rather live in a house shaped like a circle or a house shaped like a triangle?
Would you rather live in a place with a lot of trees or live in a place near the ocean?
Would you rather do school work as a group or by yourself?
Would you rather have your room redecorated however you want or ten toys of your choice (can be any price)?
Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or a see-through submarine?
Would you rather be able to do flips and backflips or break dance?
Would you rather everything in your house be one color or every single wall and door be a different color?
Would you rather visit the international space station for a week or stay in an underwater hotel for a week?
Would you rather see a firework display or a circus performance?
Would you rather go skiing or go to a water park?
Would you rather fly a kite or swing on a swing?
Would you rather only be able to walk on all fours or only be able to walk sideways like a crab?
Would you rather start a colony on another planet or be the leader of a small country on Earth?
Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?
Would you rather be able to see things that are very far away, like binoculars or be able to see things very close up, like a microscope?
Would you rather be an incredibly fast swimmer or an incredibly fast runner?
Would you rather own an old-timey pirate ship and crew or a private jet with a pilot and infinite fuel?
Would you rather be able to create a new holiday or create a new sport?
Would you rather play hide and seek or dodgeball?
Would you rather be able to jump as far as a kangaroo or hold your breath as long as a whale?
Would you rather be incredibly funny or incredibly smart?
Would you rather dance or sing?
Would you rather it be warm and raining or cold and snowing today?
Would you rather be able to type/text very fast or be able to read really quickly?
Would you rather randomly turn into a frog for a day once a month or randomly turn into a bird for a day once every week?
Would you rather have the chance to design a new toy or create a new TV show?
Would you rather be really good at math or really good at sports?
Would you rather become five years older or two years younger?
Would you rather have a full suit of armor or a horse?
Would you rather be a master at drawing or be an amazing singer?
Would you rather have ninja-like skills or have amazing coding skills in any language?
Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
Would you rather have a new silly hat appear in your closet every morning or a new pair of shoes appear in your closet once a week?
Would you rather be able to remember everything you’ve ever seen or heard or be able to perfectly imitate any voice you heard?
Would you rather drink every meal as a smoothie or never be able to eat food that has been cooked?
Would you rather meet your favorite celebrity or be on a TV show?
Would you rather sail a boat or ride in a hang glider?
Would you rather brush your teeth with soap or drink sour milk?
Would you rather be a famous inventor or a famous writer?
Would you rather be a master at origami or a master of sleight of hand magic?
Would you rather have a tail that can’t grab things or wings that can’t fly?
Would you rather have a special room you could fill with as many bubbles as you want, anytime you want or have a slide that goes from your roof to the ground?
Would you rather dance in front of 1000 people or sing in front of 1000 people?
Would you rather ride a very big horse or a very small pony?
Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant any time you wanted to or be able to grow to the size of a two-story building anytime you wanted to?
Would you rather be able to move silently or have an incredibly loud and scary voice?
Would you rather be bulletproof or be able to survive falls from any height?
Would you rather eat a whole raw onion or a whole lemon?
Would you rather be incredibly luck with average intelligence or incredibly smart with average luck?
Would you rather be able to change color to camouflage yourself or grow fifteen feet taller and shrink back down whenever you wanted?
Would you rather instantly become a grown up or stay the age you are now for another two years?
Would you rather have a personal life-sized robot or a jetpack?
Would you rather never have any homework or be paid 10$ per hour for doing your homework?
Would you rather take a coding class or an art class?
Would you rather eat a bowl of spaghetti noodles without sauce or a bowl of spaghetti sauce without noodles?
Would you rather have eyes that change color depending on your mood or hair that changes color depending on the temperature?
Would you rather eat an apple or an orange?
Would you rather taste the best pizza that has ever existed once but never again or have the 4th best pizza restaurant in the world within delivery distance?
Would you rather go snorkeling on a reef or camping by a lake?
Would you rather have an elephant-sized cat or a cat-sized elephant?
Would you rather be able to jump into any picture and instantly be in that place and time but able to return or would you rather be able to take pictures of the future, just stand in a place think of a time in the future and take a picture?
Would you rather play outdoors or indoors?
Would you rather eat broccoli flavored ice cream or meat flavored cookies?
Would you rather eat one live nonpoisonous spider or have fifty nonpoisonous spiders crawl on you all at once?
Would you rather live on a sailboat or in a cabin deep in the woods?
Would you rather have an amazing tree house with slides and three rooms or an amazing entertainment system with a huge TV and every game console?
Would you rather eat a popsicle or a cupcake?
Would you rather own a hot air balloon or an airboat?
Would you rather have a bubble gun that shoots giant 5-foot bubbles or a bathtub-sized pile of Legos?
Would you rather eat a worm or a grasshopper?
Would you rather have super strength or super speed?
Would you rather never eat cheese again or never drink anything sweet again?
Would you rather have your very own house next to your parent’s house or live with your parents in a house that’s twice the size of the one you live in now?
Would you rather have a cupcake or a piece of cake?
Would you rather be able to move wires around with your mind or be able to turn any carpeted floor into a six-foot deep pool of water?
Would you rather be able to speak any language but not be able to read in any of them or read any language but not be able to speak any of them?
Would you rather live in a house where all the walls were made of glass or live in an underground house?
Would you rather stay a kid until you turn 80 or instantly turn 40?
Would you rather be able to watch any movies you want a week before they are released or always know what will be trendy before it becomes a trend?
Would you rather be an athlete in the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics?
Would you rather be fluent in 10 languages or be able to code in 10 different programming languages?
Would you rather drive a police car or an ambulance?
Would you rather have a piggy bank that doubles any money you put in it or find ten dollars under your pillow every time you wake up?
Would you rather own a mouse or a rat?
Would you rather live in a cave or a tree house?
Would you rather do a book report or a science project for a school assignment?
Would you rather fly an airplane or drive a fire truck?
Would you rather be a talented engineer or a talented coder?
Would you rather spend the whole day in a huge garden or spend the whole day in a large museum?
Would you rather be able to find anything that was lost or every time you touched someone they would be unable to lie?
Would you rather be a babysitter or a dog sitter?
Would you rather eat tacos or pizza?
Would you rather to never eat your favorite food the rest of your life or only be allowed to eat your favorite food for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be a police officer or fire fighter?
Would you rather never have to brush your teeth again or never have to take a bath or shower again?
Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your boogers?
Would you rather eat a dead bug or a live worm?
Would you rather get good grades or be good at sports?
Would you rather go to the school only for four months in the winter and have the rest of the year off or go to school in the summer and have the rest of the year off?
Would you rather be the most intelligent kid in school and make awesome grades or be the most popular kid in school and make poor grades?
Would you rather set the table before dinner or clean up after dinner?
Would you rather get up very early or stay up very late?
Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of mud?
Would you rather have a dog as a pet or a cat as a pet?
Would you rather have five stitches to fix a bad cut or have a tooth pulled?
Would you rather play inside all day or play outside all day?
Would you rather sneeze cheese or have your tears be chocolate flavored?
Would you rather have 500 spiders in your bedroom or 1000 grasshoppers in the rest of the house?
Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
Would you rather lie to your parents or lie to your best friend?
Would you rather eat two tablespoons full of liquid soap or drink a glass full of liquid one tablespoon in water?
Would you rather ride a bike or ride a kick scooter?
Would you rather work alone on a school project or work with others on a school project?
Would you rather open one 5$ present every day or one big present that costs between 100$ to 300$ once a month?
Would you rather have an unlimited supply of ice cream or a popular ice cream flavor named after you?
Would you rather live in a place that is always dusty or always humid?
Would you rather eat a small can of cat food or eat two rotten tomatoes?
Would you rather be completely bald or covered from head to toe with hair?
Would you rather always have to skip everywhere or run everywhere?
Would you rather have hands instead of feet or feet instead of hands?
Would you rather have a horse’s tail or a unicorn horn?
Would you rather hold a snake or kiss a jellyfish?
Would you rather always smell rotten meat or always smell skunk?
Would you rather have a pig nose or a monkey face?
Would you rather surf in shark-infested waters or jump free fall with a parachute into the Grand Canyon?
Would you rather sit with a resting lion for ten minutes or run across a hungry alligator’s back?
Would you rather have your grandmother’s hairstyle or first name?
Would you rather drink all your food from a baby bottle or wear visible diapers for the rest of your life?
Would you rather always talk in rhymes or sing instead of speak?
Would you rather suffer from spontaneous shouting or unpredictable fainting spells?
Would you rather wear clown makeup every day for a year or wear a tutu every day for a year?
Would you rather not be allowed to wash your hands for a month or your hair for a month?
Would you rather always have a booger in your nose that moves when you breathe in and out or a piece of food stuck between your two front teeth?
Would you rather have to use a public toilet that is extremely dirty and dark or one that has a snake in it?
127 Would You Rather Questions for Teens
Would you rather not use your computer for a month or not eat junk food for a month?
Would you rather live in Narnia or go to school at Hogwarts?
Would you rather have only two close friends or many acquaintances?
Would you rather be known as the best student in your school or be the captain of one of the sports teams?
Would you rather always have to sing instead of speaking or dance everywhere you went?
Would you rather be the star basketball player on your school’s losing team or sit on the bench all season with your school’s winning team?
Would you rather save your country from an invasion or from a terrible disease?
Would you rather have bad breath and body odor the entire day or be completely naked?
Would you rather all of the members of the opposite sex like you or have the prettiest (but dumb) girl in school as a girlfriend?
Would you rather be very short or extremely tall?
Would you rather have overly large hands or very small feet?
Would you rather eat a small can of dog food or six overripe bananas?
Would you rather have to eat a bowl full of worms or a live frog?
Would you rather live without your phone for two weeks or your computer for a month?
Would you rather be the teacher at your school or the janitor?
Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?
Would you rather lose your ability to speak or have to say everything you are thinking?
Would you rather live on a plant or beneath the sea?
Would you rather have to listen to music all of the time or not be able to listen to music at all?
Would you rather have live one hundred years in the future or one hundred years in the past?
Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?
Would you rather have extremely small freakishly eyes or an extremely large nose?
Would you rather have friends that are smarter than you or friends that are much better looking than you?
Would you rather give a speech to the whole school, including teachers, for 30 minutes or work in the school cafeteria for a semester?
Would you rather be popular among your schoolmates or be popular among your teachers?
Would you rather share your room with your sibling or move into the attic?
Would you rather shop at a vintage store or at Chanel?
Would you rather wear a uniform to school or wear casual outfits to school?
Would you rather go to the library or download electronic books online?
Would you rather get a pet dog or a pet cat?
Would you rather miss prom or miss graduation?
Would you rather listen to Hip hop or rap music?
Would you rather have extra lessons at school or a private lesson teacher at home?
Would you rather go to summer school or math camp?
Would you rather have a birthday party at home or go out with friends on your birthday?
Would you rather stream movies or download movies?
Would you rather eat an entire pack of Oreos or a bottle of Pringles?
Would you rather pack your lunch from home or eat cafeteria food?
Would you rather be driven to school or have to take the public bus to school?
Would you rather learn how to write songs or learn how to sing?
Would you rather be in a ballet class or a salsa class?
Would you rather watch a football game or a basketball game?
Would you rather wear sneakers to school or wear shoes to school?
Would you rather be a fast writer or a fast reader?
Would you rather listen to music with headphones or earphones?
Would you rather spend the weekend indoors or outdoors?
Would you rather go to a picnic or a cook-out?
Would you rather eat something grilled or something roasted?
Would you rather go to a pool party or a beach party?
Would you rather jog around or take a stroll?
Would you rather stay up all night or stay in bed all day?
Would you rather watch a tragedy movie or a comedy?
Would you rather have popular older siblings or older siblings who are greatly feared?
Would you rather travel by road or by air?
Would you rather spend your holidays at your grandma’s place or your cousin’s?
Would you rather be the first child or the last child?
Would you rather be an only child or have lots of siblings?
Would you rather be popular only on social media or be popular in real life?
Would you rather have your own car or your own house?
Would you rather have your phone taken away or your laptop taken away?
Would you rather it was winter all the time, or it was summer all the time?
Would you rather have blue eyes or brown eyes?
Would you rather curl your hair or dye your hair?
Would you rather visit a museum or an art gallery?
Would you rather have a big bed or a big bedroom?
Would you rather wear leather clothing or cotton clothing?
Would you rather have a pool or a jacuzzi?
Would you rather cook dinner or wash the dishes after dinner?
Would you rather go to McDonald’s or Domino’s?
Would you rather act as the villain in a movie or be the hero?
Would you rather meet a famous movie star or a famous musician?
Would you rather be able to walk through doors or be able to teleport?
Would you rather gossip or be gossiped about?
Would you rather surf the internet or surf the ocean?
Would you rather be out when it’s raining or when it’s really sunny?
Would you rather get chocolates or get candies?
Would you rather wash the dirty laundry or fold up the clothes?
Would you rather have a maid or a chef?
Would you rather get dumped via text message or in front of all your friends?
Would you rather take a group picture with your friends or a group selfie?
Would you rather visit the optician or visit the dentist?
Would you rather take a shower or take a bath?
Would you rather wash the toilets or wash the bathrooms?
Would you rather eat a cake or eat a pie?
Would you rather be an adult already or be a child again?
Would you rather date a really smart geek or a talented jock?
Would you rather lend money from your sibling or from your friend?
Would you rather work part-time at a clothing store or a bookstore?
Would you rather watch over your younger sibling at home or take your younger sibling out?
Would you rather use an iPhone or a Samsung?
Would you rather go dancing or watch people dance?
Would you rather be alone when sick or have a lot of friends around?
Would you rather be at the top of your class academically or top of your team in sports?
Would you rather eat in bed or in front of the TV?
Would you rather eat a bowl of ice-cream or drink a cup of hot chocolate?
Would you rather have celebrity parents or celebrity friends?
Would you rather learn how to cook or learn how to bake?
Would you rather watch a reality show or be on a reality show?
Would you rather have a lot of followers on Twitter or on Instagram?
Would you rather be Prom King/Queen or class Valedictorian?
Would you rather have loud neighbors or really quiet neighbors?
Would you rather have a skateboard or a hover-board?
Would you rather win a sports car or win a bike?
Would you rather be really tall or really short?
Would you rather ride on a horse’s back or a camel’s back?
Would you rather be in a quiz competition or in a debate competition?
Would you rather eat only vegetables for a month or eat only fruits for a month?
Would you rather drink tea or drink orange juice during breakfast?
Would you rather have a casual birthday party or a theme birthday party?
Would you rather know how to play the piano or know how to play the guitar?
Would you rather go fishing or go hunting?
Would you rather be in a day school or a boarding school?
Would you rather have a lot of money or be good looking?
Would you rather have a male best friend or a female best friend?
Would you rather spend your afternoon reading your notes or reading a magazine?
Would you rather have a best friend who’s an introvert or one who’s an extrovert?
Would you rather go to a music concert or watch MTV Base?
Would you rather know how to swim or know how to surf?
Would you rather meet your mentor or your celebrity crush?
Would you rather be in a relationship with someone far away or someone in your class?
Would you rather get a follow from Barrack Obama on Twitter or Kanye West?
Would you rather dress fashionably or comfortably?
Would you rather be popular at school or date someone popular?
Would you rather win a gift card or win cash?
100 Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Would you rather have 3 feet or 3 hands?
Would you rather have all your shirts be 2 sizes too big or have all of them be 1 size too small?
Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell?
Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
Would you rather live the rest of your life with silent, but uncontrollable gas or loud, uncontrollable sneezing?
Would you rather be able to freeze time or travel in time?
Would you rather live without music or without television?
Would you rather know how you are going to die or when you are going to die?
Would you rather have your dream job or find your true love?
Would you rather wrestle a bear or an alligator?
Would you rather only be able to speak in rhyme or only be able to speak using alliteration?
Would you rather be trapped in a small room with 10,000 tarantulas for 10 minutes, or eat 10 tarantulas in 10 minutes?
Would you rather lose all of your teeth or all of your hair?
Would you rather never be able to wear makeup again or never be able to leave the house without a full face of makeup, but you can only use kids’ makeup?
Would you rather have the ability to read people’s minds or make two people fall in love?
Would you rather be able to run as fast as a cheetah or fly, but only as fast as a tortoise?
Would you rather have a permanent splinter under your big toenail, or have a permanent bad haircut?
Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?
Would you rather forget who you are every time it rains, or never be able to remember why you walked into a room?
Would you rather have to dress all in bright orange or all in lime green for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have the same phone forever or the same haircut forever?
Would you rather work for a boss you hate but make good money, or work for a boss that you love but make minimum wage?
Would you rather vacation in the mountains or at the beach?
Would you rather be stranded in the jungle or in the dessert?
Would you rather get your paycheck given to you in pennies or never be able to use cash again?
Would you rather play chess or checkers?
Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?
Would you rather break out in uncontrollable dance every time someone hums, or never be able to sing again?
Would you rather marry the hottest person alive or marry the smartest person alive?
Would you rather have to wear sweatpants for the rest of your life or never be able to wear sweatpants again?
Would you rather invent a new gadget or discover a new species?
Would you rather always have a song stuck in your head or always have an itch that you can’t reach?
Would you rather share your house with a family of rats, or live with your parents forever?
Would you rather change jobs every few years or keep one job for the rest of your life?
Would you rather know all the secrets of space or know all the secrets of the ocean?
Would you rather have the legs of a frog or the head of a fly?
Would you rather have every movie spoiled for you before you watch it or not be able to watch a new movie until it’s been out for a year?
Would you rather meet your favorite fictional character or your favorite musician?
Would you rather never stop growing taller or never need to sleep?
Would you rather have to wash your hair with dish soap, or wash your dishes with shampoo?
Would you rather never be able to leave your house or only be able to be in your house for five minutes at a time?
Would you rather have to always watch your favorite show live and sit through all the commercials, or DVR it but never know the ending because it stopped recording too soon?
Would you rather always know what time it is or always have exact change?
Would you rather slowly walk across red hot coals or put your hand on a hot iron for 10 seconds?
Would you rather be an unknown superhero or a famous villain?
Would you rather have a side of dog treats with every meal or a side of cat food with every meal?
Would you rather be an extra in a really good movie or have a big part in a really bad movie?
Would you rather always have a small rock in your shoes or always have mud in your shoes?
Would you rather be a brilliant scientist or a world famous painter?
Would you rather eat as much chocolate as you want, forever, without any negative side effects or receive $1 million?
Would you rather always have mismatched shoes or always have mismatched earrings?
Would you rather be able to see your own future or be able to see everyone’s future but your own?
Would you rather only drink water or never eat cookies again?
Would you rather never remember someone’s face or never remember someone’s name?
Would you rather marry someone that you don’t love or marry someone that doesn’t love you?
Would you rather have a unibrow or a full back of hair?
Would you rather be the best at something no one cares about or be slightly above average, but nowhere near the best at something people care about?
Would you rather have all eyes on your or blend into the background?
Would you rather forget how to speak or forget how to read?
Would you rather pay twice as much for a plane ticket or never be able to fly?
Would you rather go blind young but always have a full head of hair, or go bald young but never lose your sight?
Would you rather sleepwalk every night or sleep talk every night?
Would you rather only drink coffee or never be able to drink coffee again?
Would you rather have your thumbs replaced with your big toes or have your pink fingers replaced with your pinky toes.
Would you rather climb a small mountain to get to work every day or swim across a 100 foot river to get to work every day?
Would you rather go to the moon or go to mars?
Would you rather have lots of energy or have lots of money?
Would you rather always have really slow internet or always have a really bad phone signal?
Would you rather always stink and not know it or always smell something that stinks that no one else smells?
Would you rather lick your best friend’s foot or let a stranger lick your foot?
Would you rather be able to change one thing in your past or have a real get out of jail free card?
Would you rather always say what you are thinking or never say anything again?
Would you rather spend every weekend indoors or spend every weekend outdoors?
Would you rather be framed for a murder you didn’t commit or frame your best friend for a murder you committed?
Would you rather have to wear stilettos to bed or have to wear slippers wherever you go?
Would you rather never be able to do a good smoky eye or never be able to do a good contour?
Would you rather have a lifetime subscription to Netflix or an unlimited gift card to Starbucks?
Would you rather buy 10 things you don’t need every time you go to the store or always forget 1 thing that you need when you go to the store?
Would you rather receive $5,000 every week for the rest of your life or you and your best friend receive $1,000 for the rest of your life?
Would you rather know every language or know how to talk to animals?
Would you rather cut your nails too short every time you cut them or never be able to own a pet?
Would you rather be the strongest person in the world or the fastest person in the world?
Would you rather only have a GPS with weak signal or have to use only maps?
Would you rather have eyes that can capture everything on video or ears that can record all sounds?
Would you rather get a paper cut between your fingers every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat food?
Would you rather kiss a cobra or kiss a jellyfish?
Would you rather your whole body turn blue when you are nervous or sweat profusely all over when you are nervous?
Would you rather get the hiccups every time you laugh or sneeze every time you cough?
Would you rather end world hunger but never be able to eat again or always have enough food but world hunger continues?
Would you rather wake up in the morning as a dog or as a cat?
Would you rather remember every conversation you have or remember everything that you read?
Would you rather travel in time and meet your great great great grandparents or meet your great great great grandchildren?
Would you rather live in the middle of nowhere, with no people or stores within a 10 mile radius, or live in a busy city?
Would you rather have you browser history made public or the last 20 pictures in your camera roll made public?
Would you rather change the outcome of the last election or get to decide the outcome of the next election?
Would you rather cool all of your food in the microwave or never use a microwave again?
Would you rather get banned from Snapchat or accidentally post an unflattering selfie to your story?
Would you rather eat through your butt or poop through your mouth?
Would you rather wear your grandpa’s clothes or have your grandpa’s hair?
Would you rather walk in on your parents doing the deed or have them walk in on you doing the deed?
Did you enjoy our list?
The next time you’re bored, use the questions provided and you’ll have a blast for sure!