Remember when you were a kid and your parents tried to get you to take a bath or a shower, and you did everything in your power to avoid doing it?
Well, it turns out that taking a shower can do more than just clean your skin. Hot showers, hot tubs, and saunas all use heat to improve a number of body aches, issues, and elements.
If you ever thought that taking a shower was just part of your morning routine, think again.
This giant list of benefits related to hot showers might cause you to stay in there just a little longer tomorrow…and the day after that…and the day after that.
Who knew that some hot water and a little steam could have such a positive impact on your body and mind.
Not only does taking a hot shower help you feel better physically, but it also affords you some time to think things through without the kids or your spouse vying for your attention.
Hot showers can calm your mind and give you the space you need to work through things that are bothering you.
Want more? Okay, here are 25 proven benefits of a hot shower.
- It will make you feel better, in general, to step away from your life and give yourself some time to think.
- It will open your pores and let your skin breathe so that it is ready to receive treatments and make the most of your skincare routine.
- It can reduce a headache by giving you time to clear your mind and allowing the steam to penetrate your lungs and skin.
- It will relax your muscles by heating them up and encouraging them to expand and contract.
- It will improve blood circulation by introducing heat to your muscles.
- It can help improve muscle building by releasing heat stress proteins that encourage muscle growth.
- It can make you sleep better by relaxing your muscles and helping you to rid your mind of bothersome thoughts.
- It can help reduce muscle pain by encouraging circulation and stimulation.
- It can help you feel less bloated by reducing water retention and improving circulation.
- It can relieve body pain by introducing heat to your joints and muscles.
- It can improve the health of your hair because hot water opens the cuticles of your hair shaft and readies it to absorb product.
- It will reduce stress levels by helping you focus on the water and heat and not your problems.
- It can help keep skin moisturized by opening pores and hydrating the skin.
- It will reduce menstrual cramps because heat helps abdominal cramping and makes you feel better.
- It will reduce itching by introducing heat to the itchy area to relieve irritations.
- It can relieve migraine headaches by promoting circulation, which can reduce tension in your head and body.
- It can help clear a stuffy nose by opening up the sinus cavities in your ears, nose, and throat.
- It can help prepare your body for exercise like a warm-up routine with heat and stimulation of the muscles.
- It can improve breathing by opening up the airways with warm steam.
- It can reduce the risk of infection by introducing higher levels of heat to remove debris and bacteria.
- It can remove toxins from your skin simply by washing with hot water.
- It can reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis because the heat helps cut down on the fluid building up around the joints.
- It can help wounds heal quicker by reducing the number of bacteria in the area and improving circulation to the wound to improve healing time.
- It can lower your blood pressure by reducing stress levels.
- It can reduce nausea by increasing circulation and stimulating muscles.
So whether your day starts or ends with a hot shower or a trip to the sauna, be sure to add a little extra time to your regular routine to enjoy the numerous benefits of hot showers.
If nothing else, taking a few minutes each day to enjoy some alone time in a quiet space is good for your focus and stress levels.
Grab your favorite shower gel, turn on some soft music, and settle in to treat your body to an at-home spa experience you’ll look forward to again and again.
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