I’ve noticed something about confident people – they know their worth. They’re aware of their value and they stop doing certain things that undermine their self-esteem.
It’s not about being arrogant or dismissive, but about recognizing your abilities and refusing to settle for less.
In this article, I’m going to share with you 10 things that confident people quit doing once they have this realization. These are habits you need to drop if you want to boost your confidence and start living up to your full potential.
So, ready to make a change? Let’s dive in.
1) Seeking approval
Confident folks have a unique trait – they stop seeking approval.
You see, when you truly understand your worth, you don’t need others to validate it for you. You don’t need that ‘thumbs up’ for every decision you make or every outfit you wear.
It’s a liberating moment when you realize that your self-esteem isn’t tied to what others think of you. This doesn’t mean disregarding advice or feedback, but rather, it’s about knowing that your worth isn’t measured by others’ opinions.
When confident people understand this, they free themselves from the constant need for approval. They make decisions based on what they believe is right and best for them.
So next time you find yourself seeking validation, take a step back and remember your worth doesn’t depend on it. Be confident in your own decisions.
2) Comparing themselves to others
Here’s a personal example. A few years back, I found myself constantly comparing my life, my achievements, my looks to those around me. It was a never-ending cycle of feeling less than and it chipped away at my self-confidence.
But then, I had a moment of realization – I understood my worth. I realized that comparing myself to others was like comparing apples to oranges. We all have our own unique journeys, our own paths.
The day I stopped measuring my worth against others was the day I truly started to value myself. Confident people understand that they have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and they focus on improving themselves rather than being better than someone else.
Remember, life isn’t a competition. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself. You are your only competition.
3) Overthinking
Did you know that the average person has about 60,000 thoughts per day? And for most of us, a good chunk of these thoughts are consumed by doubt, worry, and fear. It’s a habit we all fall into, but confident people make a conscious effort to stop.
The moment you realize your worth, overthinking loses its grip on you. You become aware that you’re capable and deserving of success, and that constant worry and doubt only hinders your progress.
Overthinking can lead to analysis paralysis – a state where you’re so caught up in weighing pros and cons, you never take action. But confident people understand this. They recognize their worth and make decisions with conviction, without letting the fear of making a wrong move dominate their thought process.
4) Settling for less
Confident people don’t settle – they know what they deserve.
When you realize your worth, accepting anything less than what you deserve feels wrong. You stop settling for mediocre relationships, unfulfilling jobs, or a life that doesn’t align with your values.
It’s not about being entitled or unrealistic, but about knowing that you have a right to your aspirations and dreams. You understand that sometimes, good enough isn’t good enough. And that’s okay.
If you find yourself settling for less, take a moment to remember your worth. You deserve the best, and it’s okay to strive for it. Don’t compromise on your dreams or standards.
5) Ignoring their instincts
Your gut instinct is a powerful tool, and confident people learn to trust it.
Once you understand your worth, you start valuing your own judgement. You realize that your instincts are based on your experiences and knowledge, and they’re usually right.
Ignoring your instincts can lead to regret or disappointment, as you might end up in situations that don’t feel right for you. But when you trust yourself and your gut feelings, you make decisions that align with your values and goals.
When you feel a strong gut reaction, don’t ignore it. Trust yourself, because you know what’s best for you.
6) Neglecting self-care
Self-care is not just about spa days or chocolate cake. It’s about taking time for yourself, to recharge and rejuvenate. It’s about valuing your mental and physical health.
When you realize your worth, you understand the importance of self-care. You stop putting everyone else’s needs before your own and start prioritizing your well-being.
Confident people know that they can’t pour from an empty cup. They understand that taking care of themselves is not selfish, it’s necessary.
If you’ve been neglecting your self-care, it’s time to change that. Show yourself some love and kindness – because you’re worth it.
7) Fear of failure
I remember a time when I was paralysed by the fear of failure. It held me back from trying new things, taking risks, and chasing my dreams. But then, I realized my worth.
Confident people understand that failure is not a reflection of their worth. It’s just a step in the journey to success, a learning experience.
They know that every setback is a setup for a comeback. They embrace challenges and aren’t afraid to make mistakes because they understand that this is how growth happens.
If you’re held back by the fear of failure, let it go. Believe in your worth and remember that every failure brings you one step closer to success. You are capable of more than you think.
8) Always saying ‘yes’
Saying ‘yes’ to everything seems like the best way to be liked and accepted, right? But here’s the twist – confident people often say ‘no’.
When you realize your worth, you understand that your time and energy are valuable. You can’t do everything for everyone, and that’s okay.
Confident people set boundaries. They know when to say ‘no’ and aren’t afraid of disappointing people if it means protecting their own well-being.
When you feel compelled to say ‘yes’ when you really want to say ‘no’, remember your worth. It’s okay to prioritize yourself. Your time and energy are precious. Protect them.
9) Doubting their abilities
Self-doubt is a hurdle we all face, but confident people learn to overcome it.
When you realize your worth, you stop doubting your abilities. You know you are capable and skilled, and you trust in your capacity to learn and grow.
Self-doubt can hold you back from achieving your goals. But when you believe in yourself and your abilities, you open up a world of possibilities.
When self-doubt creeps in, remember your worth. Believe in yourself, because you are capable of amazing things.
10) Underestimating their worth
The most crucial thing that confident people stop doing is underestimating their worth.
When you understand your worth, you stop selling yourself short. You realize the value you bring to the table, and you don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.
You understand that you are unique, valuable, and worthy of respect. You start demanding the respect and recognition you deserve, and you don’t let anyone undermine your worth.
You are irreplaceable and invaluable. Don’t underestimate your worth.
Final thoughts: A journey of self-realization
Understanding your worth is a transformative journey, a profound shift in perspective.
It’s about recognizing the unique value you bring to the table, the strengths you possess, and the potential you have. And with this realization comes a change in behavior – confident individuals stop doing certain things that once held them back.
They stop seeking approval, comparing themselves to others, overthinking, settling for less, ignoring their instincts, neglecting self-care, fearing failure, always saying ‘yes’, doubting their abilities, and most importantly, underestimating their worth.
But remember, this is not an overnight change. It’s a continuous journey of self-discovery and growth.
So as you navigate through your own journey of realizing your worth, remember that it’s okay to stumble and fall. What matters is that you get back up, dust yourself off and continue moving forward.
Because at the end of the day, you are worthy. You are enough. And you deserve the very best that life has to offer.
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