10 signs you’re an INFJ (the world’s rarest introverted personality type)

There’s something almost magical about being an INFJ—the world’s rarest introverted personality type. It’s like being the unicorn in a field full of horses: one-of-a-kind, and not everyone knows what to make of you.

You might often feel like the world just doesn’t “get” how you tick, which is exactly why I decided to write this. My name’s Lachlan Brown, and I’ve spent years studying all kinds of personality types. Now I want to share the top 10 signs that point to you being part of this exclusive INFJ club.

Trust me, once you recognize these traits, you’ll have a bunch of those “aha” moments that make everything click.

Let’s dive in and see what sets INFJs apart.

1) You’re a walking paradox

As an INFJ, you’re a bit of a conundrum.

On one hand, you’re an introvert who savors your alone time to recharge and reflect. Yet, you also possess an uncanny knack for understanding people and their emotions. It’s as if you have one foot in the world of introspection, and another in the realm of empathy.

This unique blend often leaves you feeling like a walking paradox. You crave solitude, yet you’re deeply tuned into the feelings of others. It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re straddling two worlds.

But here’s the thing – this dichotomy is at the heart of what makes an INFJ so rare and special. You’re not just an introvert, nor are you just an empath. You’re a unique combination of both, and that’s something truly extraordinary.

2) You often feel misunderstood

This is something I can personally relate to.

Being an INFJ, I often found myself feeling misunderstood, like I was speaking a different language from everyone else. It was as if my thoughts and feelings were in a dialect that only a select few could comprehend.

For instance, I remember during my high school years, I would often find myself lost in deep thought while everyone else was busy socializing. I would be thinking about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else in between while my peers were discussing the latest pop culture trends.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to join in; it’s just that my mind was preoccupied with different interests. This often led to me feeling out of place and misunderstood, a common sentiment among INFJs.

3) You’re driven by a strong sense of purpose

INFJs are not the type to drift aimlessly through life. Instead, they’re often driven by a deep, unwavering sense of purpose. This is largely due to their dominant cognitive function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), which allows them to see the world through a lens of meaning and purpose.

Whether it’s their career, their hobbies, or their relationships, INFJs seek meaningful connections and pursuits. They yearn for something more than just the superficial or the mundane.

This strong sense of purpose often shapes their decisions and actions. It’s not uncommon for an INFJ to change career paths or make significant life changes in pursuit of their true calling. 

4) You have a keen sense for authenticity

As an INFJ, you likely have a sixth sense for authenticity. You can spot a pretender from a mile away and have little patience for facades or superficiality.

In your world, honesty and integrity are paramount. You value genuine connections, and you’re not afraid to distance yourself from people who don’t share these values.

This keen sense for authenticity often extends to your own actions as well. You strive to be true to yourself and your beliefs, even if it means going against the grain.

5) You’re highly intuitive

One of the defining characteristics of an INFJ is intuition. You probably have a knack for picking up on unspoken cues or understanding a situation without needing everything spelled out.

This intuition often means you’re able to predict outcomes or foresee future events with uncanny accuracy. It’s like you have a built-in radar, helping you navigate through life’s complexities.

But it’s not all about predicting the future. Your intuitive nature also means you’re great at understanding people and their motivations. This empathetic understanding can make you a great friend, counselor, or advisor.

6) You feel everything deeply

As an INFJ, you don’t just experience emotions – you dive deep into them. You feel joy and sorrow, love and pain, hope and fear, all with an intensity that can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.

This depth of feeling isn’t limited to your own emotions either. You’re often deeply affected by the emotions of those around you, as if their feelings are your own. This empathy can be a double-edged sword; it allows you to connect with others on a profound level, but it can also leave you feeling drained or overwhelmed.

Yet despite its challenges, this emotional depth is an integral part of who you are as an INFJ. It fuels your passion, your creativity, and your desire to make a positive difference in the world. 

7) You need time to recharge

After a social gathering or a busy day, I often find myself needing some alone time to recharge. It’s not that I don’t enjoy spending time with others; it’s just that social interactions, no matter how enjoyable, can be incredibly draining for me.

This need to recharge is a common trait among INFJs. Unlike extroverts who gain energy from social interactions, introverts like us gain energy from within. Too much external stimulation can leave us feeling exhausted and in need of some solitude.

8) You’re a planner, but also a dreamer

At first glance, it might seem like being a planner and a dreamer are at odds with each other. But as an INFJ, you often find yourself straddling both worlds.

On one hand, you’re systematic and organized. You like to have a plan in place and feel uneasy when things are left up in the air.

On the other hand, you’re also a dreamer. You have a rich inner world filled with ideas, possibilities, and what-ifs. You often find yourself daydreaming about the future, or lost in your own thoughts.

This unique blend of pragmatism and idealism is what sets INFJs apart. So if you find yourself constantly oscillating between making detailed plans and indulging in daydreams, it’s likely that you’re an INFJ.

9) You strive for harmony

As an INFJ, you have an inbuilt desire for harmony. Conflict and discord unsettle you, and you often find yourself playing the role of a peacemaker in tense situations.

You’re sensitive to the emotions and needs of others and strive to create an environment where everyone feels heard and understood. This doesn’t mean you avoid difficult conversations. Rather, you approach them with empathy and understanding, always aiming for a resolution that maintains peace and respect.

10) You’re a catalyst for change

As an INFJ, you’re not just a dreamer – you’re a doer. You have a vision for the world, and you’re not afraid to take the steps necessary to make that vision a reality.

You’re driven by a deep desire to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s through your career, your relationships, or your personal endeavors, you strive to leave things better than you found them.

This drive often makes INFJs catalysts for change. You’re not content with the status quo if it means injustice or unhappiness for others. Instead, you use your unique blend of empathy, intuition, and determination to bring about positive change.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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