We all crave a little calm and tranquility in our lives and we all hear about the many ways people find peace in their lives.
But what about wisdom from the old times?
The Stoics, ancient philosophers from Greece and Rome, have some timeless advice for finding inner peace.
And the best part? Their teachings are just as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago.
So, here are 10 important lessons the Stoics can teach you about finding inner peace.
You will learn some seriously powerful insights that will help you navigate the choppy waters of life with grace and tranquility.
1. Focus on what you can control
The Stoics were big on this one. They believed that peace comes from understanding what we can and can’t control.
How many times have you stressed over something that was completely out of your hands? A traffic jam when you’re running late, a rainy day ruining your outdoor plans, or a friend canceling at the last minute? It can be frustrating.
But here’s the thing – you can’t control any of these situations. What you can control, however, is how you react to them. The Stoics suggest accepting things as they are instead of how you want them to be.
So next time something doesn’t go your way, remember this lesson from the Stoics. Take a deep breath, let go of the frustration and focus on what you can do instead. You might just find that elusive peace you’ve been looking for!
2. Practice gratitude daily
The Stoics believed in the power of being thankful for what we have, rather than pining for what we don’t. Modern science backs them up! Studies show that practicing gratitude can lead to increased happiness and reduced stress levels.
So, how do you bring a bit of this Stoic wisdom into your life? It’s simple. Start each day by noting down three things you’re grateful for. It could be anything – a warm bed, a good friend, or even a delicious meal!
By focusing on the good in your life, you’ll start to see the world in a more positive light and nurture your inner peace. So why wait? Grab a pen and start noting down the things you’re thankful for.
3. Live in the present moment
The Stoics had a knack for embracing the present moment. They knew that dwelling on the past or worrying about the future only leads to unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Personally, when I have something big coming up, I find myself constantly worrying about it and keep on thinking about the what ifs. It takes me away from the present moment and my anxiety just gets bigger.
What I am now trying to do is give this Stoic principle a go. Instead of worrying about the future, I start focusing on what I am doing at that moment. I try to fully engage in whatever I’m doing.
It takes practice, but it’s worth it!
So next time you find your mind wandering off into the past or future, remember this Stoic principle. Bring your attention back to the now and watch as your peace levels start to rise!
4. Accept change
The Stoics understood that change is a fundamental part of life. They believed in embracing change, rather than resisting it, as a pathway to inner peace.
Here’s an interesting fact: Did you know that the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, a precursor to Stoicism, famously said: “No man ever steps in the same river twice”? What he meant was that the world is constantly changing and so are we. Trying to hold onto things as they are is like trying to stop a river from flowing – it’s just not possible!
So, the next time you’re faced with a big change, try to see it as an opportunity rather than a problem. Embrace it, go with the flow and remember that change is just a natural part of life. It might not always be easy, but it’s definitely a step towards finding that inner peace.
5. Cultivate compassion
The Stoics were not all about self-improvement, they also taught the importance of understanding and kindness towards others. They believed that we are all part of a greater whole and that peace comes from maintaining goodwill towards our fellow human beings.
Now, let’s think about it. How many times have we been quick to judge or slow to forgive? We’re all guilty of it. But imagine the peace we could find if we chose compassion over judgment, kindness over criticism.
Here’s the heartfelt truth: We’re all fighting our own battles, most of which we know nothing about. So, let’s take a leaf out of the Stoic book and try to foster more compassion in our lives. The next time you feel the urge to judge or criticize, try to replace it with understanding instead.
Remember, a little more compassion can not only bring peace to those around us but can also bring us closer to our own inner peace. It’s a win-win!
6. Value action over words
The Stoics were firm believers in ‘actions speak louder than words’. They thought that true peace comes from living in accordance with our values, not just talking about them.
If you aren’t sure about your values, I have a FREE Defining your values exercise you can do. Click here to find out more.
So remember, actions do speak louder than words. If you want to find inner peace, make sure your actions are aligned with your values. It’s truly a game-changer!
7. Embrace imperfection
Life’s not perfect and neither are we! The Stoics got this. They believed that peace comes from accepting our flaws and imperfections, not from chasing after some idea of perfection.
We live in a world that’s constantly telling us to be more, do more, have more. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we’re not enough just as we are. But striving for perfection is like chasing the horizon – no matter how far you run, you’ll never reach it.
So, let’s cut ourselves some slack. Let’s embrace our quirks, our flaws, and our mistakes. They’re what make us human. They’re what make us real.
Remember, it’s okay to be a work in progress. In fact, it’s perfectly imperfect. And there’s a lot of peace to be found in that! So here’s to loving ourselves, warts and all. The Stoics would definitely drink to that!
8. Practice moderation
The Stoics believed in the concept of ‘the golden mean’ – finding the middle ground between extremes. They advised against excess and promoted a lifestyle of moderation for achieving inner peace.
Here’s an interesting fact for you: Did you know that the word ‘Stoic’ comes from the Greek word ‘Stoa’, which was a covered walkway in Athens where the philosopher Zeno taught this philosophy? His teachings were all about finding balance and maintaining moderation in all aspects of life.
So, how can we apply this Stoic wisdom today? It can be as simple as balancing work and play, eating a healthy diet without depriving ourselves, or enjoying our favorite pastimes without overindulging.
Remember, life is all about balance. By practicing moderation, we can create a more harmonious life and find that inner peace we’re seeking. So, let’s strike a balance, just like the Stoics did!
9. Learn to let go
The Stoics were masters at letting go. They knew that holding on to anger, resentment, or regret only feeds into our own suffering and steals our peace.
Here’s how I learned this lesson. A few years ago, I had a falling out with a close friend. We said some harsh words, and just like that, our friendship was over. I spent months holding onto my anger and disappointment.
Then, I came across this Stoic principle of letting go. It made me realize that by holding onto my grudges, I was only hurting myself. So, I made the decision to let go of my anger and resentment. It wasn’t easy, but it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders.
So, if you’re clutching onto something that’s causing you pain, try to loosen your grip. Remember, letting go doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning what happened, it simply means choosing your peace over your pain. The Stoics would certainly agree!
10. Know that it’s okay to not have all the answers
This is something the Stoics understood well. They knew that life is full of uncertainties and mysteries, and that’s okay. We don’t always need to have all the answers to find peace.
Let’s face it: we live in a world that values knowledge and certainty. We’re expected to always know where we’re going, what we’re doing, why we’re doing it. But how often do we actually have all the answers? And how much stress do we cause ourselves by trying to figure everything out?
What if we stop trying to have all the answers? What if we embrace the unknown, accept that life is uncertain, and just roll with it?
Remember, it’s okay not to know. It’s okay to be uncertain. And there’s a lot of peace to be found in just accepting that.
Final words
At the end of the day, the most important lesson the Stoics can teach us is this. True peace comes from within.
We often look for peace in the external world – in our jobs, our relationships, our possessions. But the Stoics knew better. They understood that peace isn’t something you find; it’s something you cultivate within yourself.
The reality is, if you can’t find peace within yourself, you won’t find it anywhere else. No job, relationship or possession can give you peace if you don’t have it within you.
So, how do we find this internal peace? By practicing all these lessons the Stoics have taught us. By focusing on what we can control, practicing gratitude, living in the present moment, accepting change and imperfection, cultivating compassion, valuing action over words, practicing moderation, learning to let go, and accepting that we don’t always have all the answers.
Remember, peace is a journey, not a destination. And it’s a journey that starts and ends within you. So let’s take these lessons from the Stoics and start cultivating our own inner peace. Because, at the end of the day, that’s what really matters.